Stocking up the galley

That's awesome. Curious do you have a loose menu scheme for the 3 week crossing according to supplies and freshness of same? Care to share? You should map or plot it out for yourselves on this go around. It's a physcological thing I believe. Provision treats or some really goodstuff for towards the end of the crossing, start with basics first so that by the time 3 weeks of sailing becomes an irritation you still got some good foods to look forward to at the very end. Instead of eating up all the nice stuff first and they dry basics at the very end. Something like that :-) there's some sort of science there for long voyageing solo sailors.
Also interesting as you prepare to set off such a basic delight in a feeble tin utensil. Again a whole science or project worth graphing or making notes on. Certainly this measuring cup is already an indicator of sorts because by the time you get to the otherside, the absolute most basic thing on the planet will be the greatest delight: terra firma.
Then the whole cycle will begin again. Once on land you'll gourge yourselves on fresh fruit, foods drinks, then have enough, then wind down to basics and hop back on the boat and continue on to the next destination.
Here again the the big picture it would be noteworthy to record your own experience feelings, how over time this cycle changes in your own feelings and mind. At a certain point you must level out where neither land nor sea, the excitement of coming and going, is noticeable to you. And if and when you arrive at that point what it means to you exactly.
There's a lot of interesting things to monitor throughout this adventure and as it is so very new and alien to you, you're the best test subject one can have, that and I'm quite sure it would be interesting for people to read now and in the future as well.
I just love to read about your change of thoughts...
I will be interested to hear how your budget works out for your adventure. I have been telling friends that this sort of budget should work and they all look at me like I am crazy. As to your measuring cup excitement, it is the simple things in life that are important. Keep up the great work on your blog. Happy sailing.
I think anything is possible if you put your mind into it. We will try our best to stick to the plan and the budget, it is a great challenge for us. We'll report how it develops along the tour. I am sure that we both will change and grow during this special adventure and undertaking we have in front of us.
The blog is a great way of recording and keeping a journal of the changes and developments that happens within us, although the blog is just a tiny piece of our lives. We do also record all of our expenses and costs and it will be interesting to read those notes later on to see how well we followed the plans.