He is a hard working man, this sailor of mine. It is 12 pm on a Sunday night and he's been up since 9 this morning. He's been working and working and working on this boat barely without a break for the last fourteen hours. And still he's on it, late on a Sunday night. Although I would love him to be inside with me, drinking some wine and chilling down after a busy week and weekend, I am impressed by his endurance. If there is something that I admire about him, it is his ambitiousness, the commitment, focus and obviously also all his skills in tons of areas. Not only do I trust this man's ability to take us through hard times and through storms on the sea, which he already experienced a couple of times before, but also I've understood that he has the skills and knowledge to build us a home and even a boat with his bare hands, if that would ever be needed or wanted. These are some of the things that money can't buy and what I find incredibly attractive. /T