One ol' habit gone

This phone thing is probably a tiny step for the humanity but sort of a big step for me - and this time I'm doing it totally willingly. Hallelujah!
Don't worry about the Blackberry. When ever I go on vacation I never ever take any form of mobile communication with me. It is the best thing to just be available when you want and not when somebody else thinks you can. ;o)
I've been mobile phone free for six years and the emphasis is on "free". Letting go of one habit at a time is wise. Notice how it feels with each one. Allow yourself all the feelings that go with change. This is an opportunity to get more in touch with yourself and with Alex. Enjoy it.
Haluan tulla kiittämään mitä mielettömimmästä blogista! Rakastan vain katsoa kuvia, joissa eletään elämää. Teksti on loistavaa myös. Mutta nyt, ei kai ole kyse siitä, että kun internet lähtee, niin blogikin lähtee?
We're just trying to get out the med too! It's very windy down here; found this small port called porto benus; it's awsome!! The best party I've found in the Med so far! We'll be gone when the wind dies down; but hope you find time to enjoy the party!
It is already a great relief to be without it. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to the right side, only to find out that the new insights were much greater than what you were used to.
Eeli: Kyllä blogi jää. Meillä on satelliitti internetti, mutta se on niin kallis käyttää että valitettavasti sitä ei voi käyttää mihinkään muuhun kuin vain blogille ja säätiedotukseille.
Rob: Will see if we have the chance to pass by. Not in a party mood at the moment though, as we want to get to the Caribbean first!
are you guys doing the arc or just going straight across?