Towards Morocco - day 32

Any difference in sailing now with the new sails?
World is so beautiful & lot of beautiful places & sea available. Nice post with excellent photographs
Wow wow wow! This kind of dolphins was exatly what we missed when we sailed together at Barcelonas coast soulsister! See you and talk to u both soon!
It looks just beautiful and very exciting for you that you are now leaving Europe onto pastures new!
We have loads of snow and -10C today so your pics have warmed me up a wee bit x
Hi Alex and Taru,
I am one of very close follower of your adventure. I just to inform you that If you are planning to enter the marine in SALE, RABAT you will not be able to leave from there easily or when you want because of its main entrance opening to ocean gets all waves directly. One of Turkish sailor had to stay there almost two months because big waves did not allow them leave the port to enter the ocean.. Good luck.
Zefir from Turkey..
Jag är ledsen om du ser detta som reklam men jag vill bara tipsa om att jag har en tävling på min blogg i samarbete med SUMOpix så man kan vinna ett presentkort (rabattkod) på 300:- att köpa canvastavlor för.
Du behöver bara svara på en enkel fråga :)
Adam: It makes a huge different with the new sails. It's like sailing a new boat!
Stina: You will see loads of them when you meet us up in the Caribbean!
Zefir: Yes, we have understood that. We had to wait six hours to get in when we arrived to Sale/Rabat, as of the huge tidal swell and waves breaking through the entrance of the river. Let's hope we will be able to time in our departure well next week.
What did you give up back home, work etc? I really feel like getting on the move again, but now, since I got a few years older, I feel kind of stuck with lots of responsibility and obligations, making it hard to make it financially possible to be gone for moore than a couple of days..
We have both been self employed for many years which made it easy for us to pack our things and leave as we didn't have any obligations to anyone. Also we do not have our families close to us so it also made it easier as we're already used to having them far away. We have saved money and also sold off a lot of stuff so that we could be able to move away.