Our friends ordered Barracuda for dinner...

Wow! That is a big motor for such a small dinghy. You could have taken that across the Atlantic in a fraction of the time. :)
he is the man
Be careful with the Barracuda, a lot of them carry a parasite that can make you very sick, it is a problem in the Bahamas and Caribbean. On that note, wish i was down there catching Barracuda! :-)
I'd love to savage that ... fish on the deck. *drool*
Love your blog but please be aware that eating barracuda, mackerel and many species in the carribean may be harmful to you. Search Ciguatera, a very serious illness associated with reef fish especially N of Martinique. Always ask the locals what to avoid.
Fair winds. Mike and Kelli
It loks like 2,5 Hk, not very big for a dingy. Just enough I would say. Nice fish =)