In Marigot Bay

Looks like fun! Pass the rum or wine.
Härligt att se er på bild. Förstår att ni har jättemysigt. Här har det varit snöstorm och åter igen är Stockholm täckt av en halv meter snö.Kramar till er alla. Stinas mamma Eva.
Who's the gorgeous blonde?
Glad to hear you are safe and sound and that there were technical reasons for the blog to stop. I feared you would be like so many bloggers and just let it dwindle away.
Definitely time to have a rum and consider your accomplishment. Cheers!
alex & taru
a real achievement - well done - enjoy da carib mon - alex now u gotta find some waves in that beautiful clean silky ocean - just had few waves at snapper but crowds building for the quicksilver pro
Fantastic! So happy to see that all is well with you! We have been chilling in The Saints for over a week now and will not move for some time yet. Hope to see you soon!
Cheers from Marta, Marcus and Fox on S/Y Mazarin
P.s. Can any one of you kite-surf?
Marigot Bay - Chateau Mygo's the place - 2 for 1 all day! Prost.