Days at sea

Texas Phil here!,
Yes I live in Texas Yeehah!
I follow your blog and a couple of other ones regarding sailing around the world. I have a wife and one daughter who is ten. We are planning to start sailing on 4/14/2014. How did I come up with that date...? It's all dreams unless you have a deadline. That's what Bob Bitchin says from the popular sailing magazine.
We plan to sail the carribbean for a year and then take off after we learn how to sail confidently and well. I have sailing experience, but nothing on the ocean. So we have some training to do prior to our deadline.
I hope I can run my business from the boat! If not, well, i'll have to fly back a couple of times a year. But we are saving for this!
Cross your fingers for us as we are very much looking forward to having the best lives we can!
Texas Phli
To answer the questions asked:
I'm Cameron, from Vancouver B.C. Canada. I do IT work and I have a 33' sailboat I'm prepping to go offshore on. There's some good sailboat eye candy of course and part of that is the reason I follow, and the other reason perhaps is that I find the "vibe" (so to speak) is a lot more relaxed in the writing here than others blogging about their travels. It seems like this is much more what I had in mind when it comes to traveling than others who may rush rush rush and set some pretty big goals on themselves to accomplish.
Hey Alex and Taru. My name is Alex and my wife katherine and I have been following your blog since you left Spain. We were living in Hawaii while I finished a degree in business, but now we are living in Maine while I attend the Landing School for traditional wooden boat construction and yacht design. My brother and I hope to start our own boatyard. At some point my wife and I also plan to circumnavigate the globe in a boat I build. Until then we love to read about your adventures. Keep up the great blog!!!
I work for Sotheby's in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I have a beautiful log house that I built surrounded by five acres of trees and wild animals. Somehow I got bit by the sailing bug like I did the skiing bug. Now I own two sailboats both are French. Does that say something about me? Yes, I love beautiful design.
I follow your blog along with six or seven others because of the content, the photos and the insights into what it will be like when I get out there soon.
Will I see you and Alex in Venezuela, Panama or Marquesas? Nobody knows but that we will.
Peter Lemonjello
I stumbled across your site awhile ago. I really love your photos and descriptions of you places you visit and meals you enjoy.
please keep on reporting on all you exotic and not so fancy meals.
OMG! 100,000? That is a hell of a lot of people~ and yes, I am one of them! My French sailing man told me to check out your blog (I think he saw an article on Sailing Anarchy) I just loved all of it! The story, your writing, the fantastic pics. It turned into a daily get away for me (: I turned my girlfriends on to it too...ones that are more fashionista based. not so much sailors. My bio is as follows~ Mom of 3 (one in high school, one in middle school and one in pre-school...don't ask!! haha) Live in San Diego, love interior design and fashion, cooking and eating... and wine with my girlfriends. Just returned from a month long trip to Europe (France, England and Ireland) with the whole family. Awesome(: Look forward to doing more has cut way back due to "life" in the rat race. Love your blog.....keep it up~ xoxoxo
Anna. 27 years old. Living in Warsaw, Poland. Planning to go back to Barcelona. I love u're blog cuz I look up to u. Your courage to just live ur life and follow ur dreams is what I lack in life. I guess I'm too scared. But I plan to change it in the near future. NYC is my first stop and then hopefully BCN. I did study there for a year and I keep on going back every year. One day I wanna move there for good.
Keep up the good job with ur blog. I just love it.
Hi! Im Hanna! Im Swedish living and working in Nigeria with my husband since over 2 years. Before that we were 2 years in South Africa for work. Met my husband at a party, he proposed after 3 months and we got married after 4 more months, we have now been married for over 7 years!
I love sailing and have taken up Hobie cat sailing in Lagos at the Lagos Yacht Club. I raced in the Nationals this past weekend and finished 12th. (would have finished 5th but due to a disagreement with the judge regarding the starting line...) Anyway, I love your blog and the pictures you post.
I have a blog as well, (not with 100,000 readers though...)
Lots of love and sail well!
Lovely girls on a nice vacation, enjoy your trip and stay safe!
Zero Dramas
I live in the Midwest (Indiana) but the ocean is always calling me....
By day I am a Property Manager and Photographer by night......I dream daily of sailing and living life over the ocean. ~ I miss it ~~ my ex got the boat in the keys....however we never got a chance to sail away as planned.
I still look at boats daily and dream of living life in another place and how I will make money while living aboard, photography...etc??
I am never sure where my life will take me, for now right I'm here...maybe soon a warm sunny location with bright blue water below....but I always look forward to reading your blog and see where your beautiful journey has taken you!
I always love your beautiful images...
My name is Clarissa. I live in Australia. My husband Jon and I are sailing around the north east coast of Australia at the moment (with our cat!). We are both teachers and have taken a couple of years off work to have a change of lifestyle! We have no destination plans at this stage but eventually we will head out of Aussie waters over to your side of the world! We are simply enjoying the cruising life and all it has to offer and the east coast is a stunning place to be!
I found your blog when I was searching for other people who were cruising and blogging, while we were preparing to leave. It is wonderful to read and see what other cruisers are doing and what adventures they are having in life. So thank you for sharing yours.
hello, my name is stef, i am 23 years old and i live in austria, europe. i study in vienna and i want to become a teacher one day. i love everything that's pretty & i adore cute, feminine stuff. i like BOOKS, photography, cakes, etc..-
i've made the sailing license a few years ago but only for inland waters. i'm very jealous of your adventures and it's so nice to have a few on the world through your blog.
wish you the best.
Pete (crusoe-in-nz) here, live in New Zealand, do huge amount of sailing here but always dream of just chucking it all in at work and sailing around like you guys are doing. In a way you could say i live vicariously thru your blog which is great. I'm on there most days checking out what you are up to and most days, I'm really jealous.
Hey there,
I follow this blog cos I hate travelling physically but I love travelling mentally. And you're a so wonderful guide.
And your "art de vivre" fits to mine.
Hi Taru, I follow your blog as you are living the dream. Your blog is always truthful and I love that you have fun and take the bull by the horns!
My father in law has a lovely Malo called Ptarmigan of Mull that we sail from Tobermory on Mull in Scotland and all around the west coast.
I run my own business selling ski holidays throughout Europe and North America and have a huge passion for sailing too.
One day I dream of sailing off with my husband and daughter Daisy (5 years old and already telling me to get the main up!)I spend hours planning trips, looking at the atlas and reading about all the different places in the world that I want to visit.
I think it is wonderful to be able to set yourself free from the 9-5 life style and small village mentality that I am surrounded with. To be able to take Daisy with us would give her such a fantastic learning experience for her to take through life and for us it would just be a dream come true...
I look forward to reading your blog every day and had my fingers crossed for you when we didnt hear from you for days when you crossed the Atlantic!
We did get to Antigua last year so it has been lovely seeing the other side to the island life that we saw.
We are off sailing tomorrow to head to the Isle of Jura and it is forecast for Force 8 tonight and it is already raining. When I am soaked through and hanging on with freezing fingers as we pound through the waves I'll think of you as proof that it can be done and we might just end up sailing round the world too one day :)
Lots of love Sammi, Dugs and Daisy xx
Sea, sex and sun has always been a magic formula !
I live in Paris, have already been several years on a tour with our own sailing boat with wife and daugthers.
When the weather here is grey i miss the S...EA and visit several blogs like yours.
I also like your pictures very much !
Keep it up !
Cheers, Jean Luc
Hi again Taru :)
I`m Lise Furre. We have emailed a couple of times. I also bought these amazing Chanel and Louboutin shoes from you. And I`m looking forward to having a interview with you as soon as our new site launches ;) It takes time with the design and implementation since its so much integration with our home site. But I hope we are soon ready for a fresh start at FashionistaMogul :)
I found your blog through Stina Auer`s blog! And I have followed you since before you and alex went on with your trip first at and then here :)
I recently quit my job back in Norway, after many years wanted to do something else and I`m now currently living for a while in Ubud Bali, doing yoga and healthy living (LOVE IT) . Some of that inspiration and motivation to go through with this change I found reading your blog! I love it!
Keep up the good work taru :) Thank you for a great blog :)
Hope to have your interview when we launch our site :)
Lise Furre
Twitter: D_By_Lise
Facebookpage: Fashionistamogul
Not too much into sailing myself but you are clearly living the dream. Your pictures and stories gives me joy. Found out about you through a friend of mine who has a (fashion) blog, she told me about this girl who lived in Barcelona and now sailed the oceans with her bf. Thanks for sharing, must be lots of work to keep the blog up to this standard.
Hi Alex & Taru
I´m, Alejandro Bottino, I live in Buenos Aires Argentina.
I like the way you are moving around, and telling us the stories, but the most amazing thing are the pics you post, nice job!!.
I understand Alex, avoiding getting into the web comments, etc.. is a really Hard job and take your time for enjoying the trip or take care of the day by day duties. But we have the fresh and lovely Taru that show us around under her lens ;-) good for that
I want to know more about DUENDE i like very much style boats, since Im yacht designer working in the industry and i share your passion for the boats and the sea. If i can be of any help from here please do not hesitate to contact,
Hope you have a good and safe trip around. Hope one day i can live a bit of this shared dream with my family
I'm Sonia, working in event planning Berlin and Europe. Reading your stories because of the beauty revealed. You are such a beautiful and inspiring couple. Although the dream is distant, I will continue to dream of one day sail the world like you two. Thank you for posting and sharing this trip with all of us. Fair winds.
Best regards
I live and work in NYC. I do Commercial Property Management for money and photography for love. I found you through Uncommon Caribbean. I have a small (27ft) sailboat on the Hudson River. I often visit St Martin and dream of sailing and living permanently in the Caribbean. Love seeing your posts and pics and living vicariously....
tjenis! jag har läst din blogg sedan jag vet inte hur länge... typ 2007? aslänge är det i varje fall. har följt dig sedan dina mode-tider. bor och pluggar i lund nu, programmet heter "development studies" och det går ut på att hitta sätt kan rädda världen på - TYP. nä men något åt det hållet. planerar att åka utomlands rätt snart, till afrika närmare bestämt... men jag vill inte säga för mycket innan allt är bestämt. men jag ser fram emot det :) kommer nog inte bo kvar på ett och samma ställe hela mitt liv och det är väl därför jag tycker om din blogg så mycket. du låter livet ta dig dit det vill, du VÅGAR och du inspirerar. du lever liksom inte "the conventional life" och jag behöver veta att det finns folk som lever på det viset för att lättare kunna se mig själv leva det livet. ja, jag läser din blogg pga inspiraiton helt enkelt.
Hi Taru and Alex!
My name is Igor and I am from Ukraine. Now I am working as an internet-marketing director and I am also the chief of web-development team at our company.
I am passionate about yachting and plan to go totally freelance in a couple of years, buy a catamaran, find a girl who likes yachting as much as I am and go around the globe. This is my dream!
You are my favorites!
Best regards, Igor.
In french, there is a saying :
"Vivons heureux, vivons cachés"
Luc & Nicole
I love your philosophy, and how you left the "real world" behind to go sailing. Wish I could do the same! What got me hooked was your post about people thinking you're running away from something, because I've gotten that same reaction myself, moving from Norway to Sweden, to Spain and LA. Ingenting er bedre enn livsnytere!
I'm Hanna. I live in Sweden, work as a physiotherapist. I started following your blog in Dubai, Taru. And I've been hooked ever since because of your amazing photos and your way of living life! I would love to have just a piece of your guts.
Hi, I'm Arthur, professional sailor from Lithuania. I found your blog by recommendations from my friends. I have 40 feet sailing boat and sailing Baltic and Mediterranean and your blog is delivering to me fresh ocean air directly from the spot you are. Thank you and keep going, especially in winter time :)
Well, since you asked... ;)
I'm miss D. I live in Stockholm and I've been reading your blog, Taru, from way back when you had the online webshop. I've always found you very inspiring as a person and I've found myself getting "tankeställare" quite often these past years when I've read about some of your experiences. I really appreciate everything you share! I think I told you that in a comment a couple of years ago, but I'm not sure...
Anyway. I'm a journalist. I love travelling. My boyfriend does too. We've travelled in South America and southern Europe together, and are going to Sri Lanka next year. I've told him about your sailing blog and he's a bit curious about that life, as am I. Who knows, we might go off on a big adventure out on the sea some day =)
Since I already have you "on the line" here (well, kinda), I'm gonna ask you a quick question! I'm going to Dubai in a month and I remember reading lots of tips from you about that place in the past. I can't find those blog posts anymore, since your archive is hidden.. Are they to be found anywhere online?
Hope you're having a great time out on the sea right now! Keep inspiring all of us with your stories!
I live in Windsor, Canada. I had the fortune of checking into SailingAnarchy the day your thong/North Sails photo appeared, clicked on the link to your blog, and have been hooked on your music suggestions, drink recommendations and recipes, believe it or not. By day I work in a hospital but on Wednesday race nights I drink beer and do a bit of crew work on a C&C 30.
Lately I have been looking in to see blog entries detailing the work on your new boat, but you are still vacationing. I was intrigued by Alex's non-post a couple of months ago, and surprised by your details about the cost of this tour. Your photography is exceptional.
Even if Alex doesn't enjoy blogging, he needs to let us know details of preparing your new boat for the rest of the adventure.
Hi Taru & Alex,
My name is Cat Newton, and my fiancé Erik and I have been living full time on our 32 foot sailboat for over a year, in Vancouver B.C. My friend suggested your blog to me because she thought we would relate a lot to your life. I've been following since you left Spain and find myself reading your blog quite often, and I love it. Erik and I are very into cooking, photography, travelling, music, etc. I play music around Vancouver (singer/songwriter) and we try and get out sailing most weekends. I also learned everything I know about sailing and the sea from Erik. He grew up sailing his whole life, and being Norwegian he comes from a long line of sailors. Our dream is to sail around the world as well, it's just a matter of saving and buying a bigger boat now. I hope for the best for you two! And you should try and make your way up to Vancouver. It is gorgeous and amazing sailing!
Hi Alex & Taru,
My name is Stijn, from Belgium. Me and my girlfriend have an 30 ft yacht. We did Croatia, Italy and Canary Islands with our boat, but the big dream is to sail across the Atlantic to the Caribïan Sea. Lore's father has a Hans Christian 47 ft longkeel, which is perfect for long range crosses.
We love your blog and follow it almost every day.
I now work as a lawyer, but would love to leave for a couple of months to the open sea...
Unfortenately, we have a morgage to pay for the house we bought one year we'll need big sponsors... :)
Sail save a keep up the great blog!
Olenko mä ensimmäinen suomalainen joka tunnustaa? :D
Jaakko from Finland. Been sailing most of my youth but had an allmost ten year break. Now again sailing with Diva39
Tytti from Helsinki, Finland, ophtalmologist.We have been sailing in the Finnish archipelago for the first summer with hubby and three sons (12,11 & 6 yrs). Hoping to get further with developing skills. Boat 27 ft Finnflyer.
Found You from a sailing thread on poker forum 2+2.
Love your pics and story.
Hej Taru,
Bor i Göteborg och har följt din blogg i många år :-)
Kram Nina.
Hi, I live in the Seattle (Washington) area of the US. I love your blog. I have been fighting cancer for 13 years and am disabled by the surgeries and treatments. Before health became such an issue, I had taken three sailing vacations in the Caribbean and loved them all. So, I read your blog to enjoy the photos and tales of your grand adventures. Last year, I took a trip to South Africa, but that pretty much took it out of me and I have not been able to travel since. By the way, the safari was amazing and Cape Town was beyond amazing. Anyhow, I get amazed that you are such an great photographer. I get happy when I read of your visitors and the various things you are doing. Keep up the writing and travel.
Hi! I'm Kristal, one of the late comers to this shindig. I found out about your blog yesterday when Justin Rutledge introduced himself in an online class we are both taking.
I've been landlocked my entire life - and happy that way - but find the oceans to be absolutely fascinating, and have dreamed about going sailing for many years.
Oups sorry I meant Taru and Alex !
A&T To be honest I check out your Blog for the T&A ;-)
I have been following you guys since you started prepping in Spain. I have been sailing for most of my life and raced competitively for a number of years before starting my family. No I just sail for the pleasure of it. I live in Rochester NY 10,000 miles away from the paradise you guys are in. And work for an environmental consulting firm. The boat is already put away as the impending winter will be here sooner than we would like. I love both of your can do attitudes. Thanks for sharing this magnificent adventure with all of us. I'm sure you have inspired many to shake up their dull and static lives. Safe travels and fair winds.
Who are you? Attorney-at-law, 28
Where do you live? Sthlm
What do you do in life? Wrok. Sail a litte on the limited spare time at disposal (Bavaria 37)
Do you sail or what is the reason you follow this blog? Yes, even though it propobably would be quite fun to follow anyway. Jag menar, ni verkar ha det rätt skönt och få se en hel del spännande ställen! =)
How did you find out about our travels? Google (my best friend)
Hoppas ni får en strålande höst/vinter
Hi you guys! My name is Linda and Im from Sweden. Im 20 years old and am currently living in an amazing town by the ocean.
Discovered your blong about a mounth ago and have been hooked since. Just love watching your photos and dream away for a while and plan my own trips I wanna take!
Take care, love your work and see you soon!
Big love
I'm a diver, traveler, ocean lover, amateur photographer and Caribbean junkie who found your blog via Uncommon Caribbean. Your photography is gorgeous and your journey an inspiration.
I'm Jessica, and my husband Matt turned me onto your blog about a year ago. Both of us are 29, from Michigan USA, and have a Sabre 34 Targa. We were originally planning on leaving this past August for a 2 year cruise between the States and Bahamas, but then last winter decided we'd rather go all the way around and needed another year to stay at home and save up. We have plans to leave next summer, and have spent this year on Lake Michigan and slowly getting our boat ready to go.
Enjoying following your travels and can't wait to be on your heels!!
I am from Cedar Rapids, Iowa USA. I found your site last evening while looking at just posted blog entries. I was taken by the stunning beautiful photography and the attitude of a carefree life. I am backreading your posts to catch up with your travels. The only sailing that I have done has been with a one person boat on a lake in Minnesota. Continue to have fun!
It fells so thrilling on the boat while in the mid of the sea :)
This blog was posted (and positivly discussed) in a very popular German forum which might have send you some new readers as well :)
Jag jobbar med att tillverka båtinredning till Hallberg-Rassy och började följa er blogg när de publicerade den på sin hemsida. Det är som att följa en dröm att följa er blogg! Keep it up! Och bra musiksmak har du oxå. =P
24y old girl (yes, girl, not a woman) from Finland. My friend actually suggested to follow your blog and I've been following this about a year now. I consider myself more like "a lurker" than a person who comments on everything. But I still love to read the blog. And the pictures you post, makes me actually want to move somewhere, where the sea is all blue, where are only palms as far as you can see, where the food you eat can be picked up straight from the tree. And as much as I love to read these, I think the reason I keep visiting here are the beautiful photos you post. And I would love to see more photos in here. Just because I've never been in such a place and I think I will never have a chance to fulfill this dream.
I am a sail lover just coming back from Guadeloupe. It is 0°C here in France. I wanted to dream of sailing between those beautiful islands.
PS: You should invest in a waterproof camera. Underwater life is amazing.
I linked to your blog from another sailing blog, and am enjoying reading your experiences!
I am originally from Vancouver, Canada. I spent a year sailing around the South Pacific on a tallship named Alvei in 2006, most of our time was spent in Vanuatu. Then sailed on another tallship called Søren Larsen in 2007 and met my now husband, a fellow sailor and engineer. After we got married we moved onto our own little sailboat, an H28, in New Zealand and lived onboard for several months until I started getting horribly seasick and realized I was pregnant. So we moved off the boat, moved to Norway (a random series of events...) and had two babies. Now our little ones are a bit bigger (2 and 3), and are planning on selling our house in the spring/summer 2012 and moving back onto a boat.
Reading your blog keeps me dreaming about my "previous" life as a sailor and makes me look forwards to living that life again and sharing it with my children!
Lisa Barlev
I am a 24 year old living in South Africa. I am not sailing yet but my lifelong dream is to sail the oceans of the world. But before that dream can become reality I still need to save (i.e. work) quite a bit! You two are living my dream and that is why I look at your blog just about every single day since I discovered it! I would love to meet you some day so if you are ever in South Africa contact me if you please!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
you are really people to look up to - courage and style - a rare combination. My name is Markus and we (wife, 2 kids and myself) dream of getting around the world as well.