Reminds me of Barcelona

Lemon sorbet is my necessary fuel during these hot Caribbean days. The consistence of this particular one reminds a tad bit of the traditional Spanish Sorbete de limon although the cava is clearly missing here..
I LOVED the lemon sorbet they served after many of the meals we had in Barcelona. Delicious! Can't wait to go back to "your" city.
a lovely treat for hot days. although i admit i'm more of an ice-cream girl.
Thank you so much for your visit and your sweet comment, Taru! I was delighted to find your beautiful place full of adventures and love. You both remind me so much of me and my man! That moment in life when we find ourselves... and in that moment we know we are meant to live a life together. It's definitely an unique experience to live a love like that. We've been talking so much about doing something adventurous like this... it takes courage and lots of stability.