43 ft of elegance

Isn't she just beautiful! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Looks awesome. Did you get a chance to sail it yet in the open? Looks like a Ferrari compared to a Land Rover (Caos).
I'm guessing there aren't big enough Christmas trees in St Martin Alex could have stuck it under and presented it to you tomorrow? :-)
She is truly a beauty!
It makes me very happy to see that you made this choice!
She's gorgeous! Congratulations, and merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Alex and Taru,
Duende is indeed a very sexy vessel. I hope she will take you safely the rest of the way around and I hope you will continue to share your story with us dreamers.
Wayne - Vancouver Canada
That is quite the Christmas present, congratulations.
I was curious what marine electronics were aboard the new boat. Did you carry anything over from the Hallberg Rassy?
Awesome yacht! What kind is it???