Impressive sailing

Merry Christmas! What a great boat. As you get to know her you will enjoy her even more. We stepped up to our boat 2 years ago (31-42 ft) and it was an amazing difference. Have a good holiday and enjoy her in the New Year.
s/v Defiant
Wauquiez Centurion 42
Hey Alex, we like the 10 and 2 hands on the wheel driving position. But we really want to see a 9 and 3 hug of that massive wheel. Wishing the both of you a splendid holiday season and some fantastic weather (with shifting conditions) to try out the new boat.
Hola Taru!!! Que tal? um vĂdeo do novo barco Duende, monstrando tanto interno quanto externo deste lindo barco!!!! bjos!!
Merry Christmas
I hope you both have many days of sailing on your new Herreshoff...
She looks beautiful...
Congratulations to you for your new acquisition. A Herreshoff is certainly a masterpiece. It looks quite like a S&S, which is a good mark. As they say, if a boat looks good, she also sails well. I am looking forward to see a lot of photographs of this wonderful classic as well as your plans for work to do and so on. t would be nice to be able to follow your progress in terms of getting her to her former glory.
Cheers and Merry Christmas
Swan 47 S&S (farouche)
Congratulations on your fine acquisition. It is a classic indeed and she looks very good. A good looking boat also sails well! Please post more photos when you can. I also love to see and know about your plans working her back to her former glory. A wonderful project indeed.Thanks.
Cheers and Merry Christmas
Swan 47 S&S (Farouche)
alex & taru
" a beautiful thing" there is a yacht in the sydney to hobart yacht race which starts today 1300which has the same name, which i thought was quite interesting - link is below fyi - enjoy barts & alex u may even get a few waves in at "lorient" eh - cheers mr doit
thats a great shot of Alex's,,looking to the heavens for guidance,,,or perhaps just checking trim !! have you read Herreshoffs books on yachting,,things were different then,,thank God attitude to ladies on yachts has changed for the better.
cheers 'different drum '
This would be a design from Halsey Herreshoff, grandson of Nathanael. Totally classic and gorgeous lines, regardless of which one of them drew her. You can see the IOR influence, as is the case of many fine boats from the 70's.