almost 30

I'm sure the celebration will beat any that we've had ... HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Turning 30 didn't bother me, nor did 40! I'm now 45, and as long as I feel good and stay in shape .. it's just a number. I have a feeling you'll be "young" well into your 70's! =)
Go party!
Happy,,,happy Birthday Taru,,life just gets better and better,,,,cheers 'different drum '
Wishing you a happy birthday, thanks for sharing your adventures :)
Woho!! Happy birthday Taru! Wish you a great birthday! Fuck, nu skriver jag på engelska igen haha. Grattis kära Taru, hoppas du får en fin dag!
Happy birthday to you, celebrate! My wife and I both celebrated our fiftieth's last weekend so you've a bit of catching up to do. Alarmingly you're out there cruising 20 years before I am; so I've some catching up to do!
happy birthday Taru - enjoy - not here for long time, here for a good time - mr do it
Happy Birthday from Portugal! :)
happy birthdaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....yeeeyyyyyy