Help me find webs best travel blogs

Hello Taru and Alex!! Your pictures are breath-taking and the stories are just as inspiring! I've been traveling the world as well and would like to share my latest with you in Thailand :) Hope you like it!! <3 P.S. Keep it up, you're so inspirational!
First of all, the first picture is breathtaking. Nevertheless, I happen to know one great travel blog that is called Big barrels and air reverses:
Amazing photography by an australian mate who currently travels round the world.
Unfortunately I'm not traveling for the time being but it's going to change by the end of this year. Excited!
Terveisiä Suomesta x
Cryptic and interesting... Of course, you know about us: Uncommon Caribbean. We'd love to hear what you're up to. Drop me a line.
I met Steve at a sailing event in Belfast and subsequently followed his progress.
First of all: I just started following you guys, my insides hurt a little of joy when I see the water in all the photos, miss it so bad! I am citizen of Barbados and have spent a lot of time there, paradise, long story. Otherwise I live in Sweden. So well, these are my stories:
& (the newer one)
Hey Taru and Alex, weve been following your blog for the last 4months or so. Very glad for you that you finally sold your Caos and we are very exited to follow the progress of Duende.
We are starting off on a world cruise from South Africa in a couple of months time. Our blog has been mainly about the refit so far, but we will do alot of Photography and Videography along the way. (Brazil, Amazon, Eventually Carribean and then Pacific)
The photos are mostly snapshots at the moment, but better quality stuff coming soon when we start off. Aswell as some HD video of people, culture and destinations.
Keep up the good blogging and perhaps we'll see you guys somewhere along the way...would love to buy you guys a drink and go for a surf.
I'm sure you already know about them but if not:
Hi Taru/Alex
My wife and I just started a blog with our current/future travels. Take a look.
I'd give you mine, but it's not quite up there just yet. Maybe in a few more months.
So I will second Mr. Mrs. Globetrot
I'd give you mine, but it's not quite up there yet. Maybe in a few more months.
For now I'll 2nd Mr. Mrs. Globetrot
Check out Also, Kemplemedia is the site of adventure photographer Tim Kemple. Tim travels throughout the world about 300 days a year shooting for The North Face and other major outdoor companies. Joe kind kid is the blog of professional rock climber Joe Kinder. Joe travels across the world climbing in different venues. Currently Joe is wintering in Spain.mworth checking out the climber lifestyle
My blog is sort of a travel blog... and then I have all my photography at
Taken with the Mark II as you suggested in your e-mail ;)
every blog entry directs to a location that can be found on the map at Not all posts are geotagged but it's coming together nicely nevertheless.
Puss och kram!
I love to read your blog of your travels and I admire your photography. Please consider my travel blog of our travels through the Caribbean:
Hi Taru & Alex,
Check out these two blogs.
Great writing on this sailin blog, just about done their circumnavigation:
Lots of pics and regular posts on this sailing blog, in the Caribbean right now:
VW van/camper travel blog, in Central America right now, just started reading but it shows some promise:
I'm a fan of
well written, great photos and definitely has its own personality
Hi Taru.
I like this one written by a swedish couple:
Hello, Taru,
although in the process of renovation, but here's our (my & my boyfriend's Aivaras) travel, active lyfestyle and other big and small happinesses blog: (which in english would be "101dream")
The photography will be better in the future :)
P.S. strangely Your blog became like an everyday's newspaper :) one of the first things to do in the office in the morning and after the lunch time :) Cannot wait to read about Your adventures in the sea!!
start-up blog. the main idea is not "what did you see" but "what did you do" somewhere in the world.
nice style, though not much posts there.
Our adventure is just getting started. We're currently in Mexico and headed for the South Pacific! Maybe we'll see you there!?!
hey. i've been following you for a while now. working my way to getting and living on a sailboat, but for now just on the move. currently is australia. cheers
fun, cute and full of adventure!
I think this your kind of music!
best regards
Sweet couple who've decided to start a blog to comment their newly married life from the moment they left their home country for their honeymoon and more. Their stories and beautiful pictures are making me smile everytime and I'm always curious to see their next post.
Hi you two! We've been following your adventures as my boyfriend and I are avid travelers and lovers of the sea.
Our travel blog is about our adventures hand-delivering letters to strangers. We picked up 22 random letters from a barrel on an island in the Galapagos and plan on documenting our story as we travel to each country and deliver them.
Keep up the great work.
The blog of a couple who sold everything and sailed away from Montreal 2 1/2 years ago and are now in New Zealand. Interesting writing style and some good pictures.
Hey Taru and Alex,
We follow you guys for a while now, and actualy my girlfriend Cristina was inspired so much, that she joined me, and so now we (also) live aboard, and pretend to be in the Caribean mid Dec 2012. Currently we are cruising along the coast line in Brazil. We just started our blog, and as Brazil is not well documented (nor frequently visited) you may find it interesting.. (we hope so..).. Maybe, at some point in time we will be able to catch up.. Take care and all the best...
Cristina and Pieter
SV Onda Boa
Hi Taru and Alex,
Thanks for your great blog.. We follow you guys for a while now, in fact my girlfriend Cristina was so much inpired, that she made the move, and so we are now living aboard, currently cruising along the Brazilian Coast. We pretend to arrive in the Caribean mid Dec 2012. We started a blog lately, and hope you like it (more abt Brazil etc). Hope we can catch up sometime, somewhere.. In the mean time: Fair winds and following seas.. Best rgds
Cristina and Pieter
SV Onda Boa
The best travel blog/filmproject out there! :)
Sailing and bicycles are my life passions. Yours is my favourite sailing travel blog, here's my favourite bicycle travel blog. I hope you enjoy.
I read some of your post before. and i liked it the same way as i like this post..keep it up.
I was going to suggest Terra D'Agua, but it appears as if you already know of them. Mine is still a work in progress, but getting better.