packed agenda

Again we've found ourselves with a few very important tasks that are impossible to neglect. Staying here in St Maarten some days longer to sort some important things out. It is amazing how much one can find to do in life. Last night I said on our twitter that I wished the day to have more hours, just so I could have more time for reading. And that's exactly how I feel, there ain't enough hours on the day for all the things one wish to have done before it's time to go to bed and await a new dawn. Even when living a simpler life on a boat, there are thousands of things to fill your hours with. Work on or inside of the boat that needs to be done. Deadlines that needs to be respected. Emails and negotiations to deal with. Blog, tumblr and other social media to nurture. Images to process. Videos to edit... the list seem to go on and on and on and in the end of the day I am way too tired to even open a book and all I wish is for the day to have just a few more hours so that I could have more time for reading. I'm not complaining about the situation, all the extra work that we've brought into our lives are self chosen and we are very glad and proud that all things are moving forward. Slowly perhaps, but things are definitely evolving into something beautiful, grand, exciting. At least for us.

Some of the most asked questions on the blog or in emails are: "When are you setting sail again?" Or "When are you changing location". Some of you guys seem to be more anxious for us to get moving than we are. Instead of letting that stress us, we are meticulously dealing with the things that needs to be done, one after another. And I hereby have to promise myself to not give any departure dates in the future, I should have learnt by now. There will always come something in the way when living a nomad life like this. Always something that hinders me from reading my books..

When it's quiet in this blog, you will always find more updates on my tumblr page. That's where I'm posting photos from these past years of travels, along with the occasional quote that I enjoyed, a link that I found interesting or music that I'm listening to at the moment.