Happy 39th Birthday My Love

You thought it was your fortieth when we discussed yet another year, last night. That's how much you pay attention to worldly subjects. Next month it's three years since we met the first time. Almost three years of ongoing challenges, love and all what's brought in between. I think I never believed that I would stay in one relationship this long. Being a fan of passion, progress and constant excitement, I was sure that there was a magical 2 or 2,5 year limit on any kind of love relationship. You have showed me different. 

There are moments when I simply can't get my head around the fact that we are a couple and that we actually have chosen to live on such a confined space together. Only You and Me. Just Me and You. Yet there are more days when I thank my lucky stars for me staying in Barcelona that weekend when we first got introduced to each other. I was supposed to be on the other side of the world, remember?  

You have proved to me that good, strong love is worth fighting for, they don't come around too often. Even through hardships and moments of almost hating each other, you have always been quick to come to a resolution, making me laugh and forget about whatever-we-were-fighting-about-now-again. You are stubborn, but I'm even more so, so I thank you for most of the times, being the one who ends our fights.

I think I have never argued with anyone about the same things so many times as I have with you, yet when analyzing the substance of our arguments, we both realize their meaninglessness in the long run. Thank god it's only such stupid and simple things that we argue about, in the end. Through this challenging journey, we have many times raised our voice more than necessary, just to prove a point or because we've, momentarily, been fed up with each other as a result of us being with one another 24/7 for two long years. And there was a time, when our world seemed to be nothing but a huge prolonged challenge, when I thought I had had enough of us. When I was almost sure of that our relationship had come to an end and I left for Europe to catch up with my old self again, you never lost hope and persistently did everything in your power to convince me to come back. So many things told me you were right and having an objective view of it now, I can't even imagine how life would have been without you as my partner.  

I trust you from the bottom of my heart, in a way that would make any woman confidently relax. The fact that you literally build a home for us, and are able to move mountains to make us comfortable and happy, has a fundamental meaning which gives my soul a sort of comfort and peacefulness that is hard to explain. I can see no better father for my future children than you, as I know that you will always do whatever is in your power to protect the ones that you love. I feel safe with you. Secure, calm and satisfied with you.  

Despite our many dissimilarities, I have never met anyone with whom I am such a great combination. People say that we are the perfect team, and if they only knew half of the similarities we do share, those that are not visible with bare eyes. You have made me a so much better person, on so many different levels and if I have been able to do the same for you, I know we are on the right track. More than once I have doubted on our to be or not to, but almost three years, 12.000 miles of sailing, one big crisis, a short break from each other and thousands of challenges later, I still come to the same conclusion, which is that in the total, there is no better man for me. If I have finally learnt what true love is, it is because of you. 

Happy Birthday, I hope that I will have the privilege to share many more with you in the future.