I have an announcement to make. It's a little embarrassing to realize it took so long, but nevertheless, I have decided to quit supporting the meat and dairy industries. It hasn't been an easy overnight decision obviously, the decision is something that's been contemplated, twisted and turned inside of my mind for a year or more, all the while making myself more conscious of the facts. While I always loved and I still love the flavor and taste of a well made meat dish, I have for a long time lived with feelings of guilt almost every time I've eaten a steak or a burger. And I feel that I've now run out of valid excuses to continue supporting an unethical lifestyle.
Just like you, meat lover, I have in my Facebook feed and on other places on the world wide web been exposed to images of maltreated animals crammed onto trucks, without food nor water they're shipped long distances to a mass slaughter. Many die during transport, and others are too sick or weak to walk off the truck after they reach the slaughterhouse. The animals who survive this hellish ordeal are hung upside-down and their throats are slit, often while they're completely conscious. And many of these animals are still alive while they are skinned, hacked into pieces, or scalded in the de-feathering tanks.
Just like you, I have absorbed some of these images, I've processed them through my mind and quickly thrown them out from my membrane. My defense mechanism as a devoted meat eater made sure not to take these images too seriously, as, c'mon: these images are just propaganda and it can't be that way all the times, and: I never have to meet these animals, and: I will never be involved in the cruelty myself, and: All this vegan/vegetarian ramble seem to be just a silly trend. Seriously, why be so complicated with everything, and why not just leave me to eat my delicious meat if I want to, we're born to do just so!
But then one day not so long ago I suddenly felt the change within me was too overwhelming. I felt, wait a minute: I know these poor defenseless animals are being maltreated, and that only for our egoistic tastes, yet I still continue to support the meat industry by buying into it? I had some sort of wake up call that told me this is so not me, being unable to take such an ethically easy stand.
Having always been the one who stands up for bullied kids in school when I was younger and made sure to bring justice to the ones who weren't able to speak for themselves. I've always been the one protecting people, not only my friends and family members, but also complete strangers if I knew they were being unfairly treated or hurt. I've also literally been raised on a farm, riding horses all my life, had dogs and cats and mice and rats as my close friends. And now in my adulthood I can look myself in the mirror knowing that for every second that I breathe, 1.680 animals are being viciously slaughtered because a humongous mass of people, including me, pretend to look the other way? It makes me sick only thinking of how brainwashed I have been, and I am thankful for the propaganda that is spread as it helped in awakening me from my ignorance much faster.
Having said all this, I still do believe that human beings are omnivores, meaning we are made to eat a combined diet mixed of plants and meat. We have done it for millions of years and the human pancreas produces a full load of digestive enzymes to digest all sorts of food, including meat. But what is the big difference between a caveman who hunt his rabbit to feed his family some two million years ago, and a modern human being of today?
The difference is that the caveman went out to hunt his food himself and never took more of mother nature than what was needed to feed him and his peers. No terrible fourteen day delivery needed in inhuman conditions where animals are packed onto each other gasping for air. No force-feeding the rabbit to give the hunter a more enjoyable meal.
Today we live in a disgustingly greedy, selfish, capitalistic world where the only thing that matters for businesses - slaughterhouses, fur companies and dairy businesses included - is to make as much profit as humanly possible. We live in a fucked up world where people look to gain maximum pleasure and enjoyment without bothering to consider the potential pain and suffering others have to risk on the way.
The meat and dairy industries doesn't give a god damn shit about our well being as they pump the hormones into the animals to give us larger steaks and more effectively be able to milk the cows for our morning cereal. They couldn't care less about how the animals feel when their newborn babies are being taken away from them as the milk of a female cow is supposed to go to said cereal, and not to the poor screaming calf desperate to get back to the comfort of its mother. The meat industry has no empathy whatsoever towards the small male pigs that gets their testicles pulled out by hand, castrated without any painkillers, as long as we get our crispy bacon served with our scrambled eggs each morning.
Farmed chickens and turkeys spend their brief lives in dark and crowded warehouses, many of them so cramped they can't even turn around or spread a single wing. They are left abandoned in their own waste, the stench of ammonia fills the air and their utter lives are a sad, inhuman proof of how egoistic and greedy the human being has turned into. A greed and suffering for which we ignorant consumers ultimately are to be blamed. Knowing all of this and having made my homework now for a few months (as I needed to go to the bottom of health and ethics before I made my absolute choice) I just know I can't go back to ignorantly eating food merchandised by the factory farming industry. No matter how much I love a delicious tenderloin steak medium rare with a creamy Pommes Dauphinoise and red wine sauce, I can not and will not continue to support the vicious circle that the greedy meat business stands for.
Raising animals on factory farms is not only cruel and unethical, but also ecologically devastating as well as bad for our health. Imagine all those hormones that are being injected into your favorite meat, the daunting mixture of meats and chemicals packed into your hot dog, and nowadays they're even sweetening your milk with aspartame, all of which the blissfully unknowing consumer have no idea whatsoever.
Just a few more numbers before I let it go this time: Every year in the U.S, more than 27 billion animals are slaughtered for food. Just take a second and think about that number. 27 billion animals that are born, raised and killed only to please your tastebuds. I am using the US as an example, as it is the largest meat eating country in the world, with 125 kilos/275 pounds of meat being consumed per person each year.
If I'd have my on farm or if I with assurance knew that the meat I was offered came from a happy, well fed and well treated animal who had to give up its life because of age or illness, then I'll still go for it. Until that happens, I'll stick to my new vegetarian diet with as little dairy as possible, sometimes mixing it with fish and seafood. I am taking slow steps to begin with, but it is a great relief having made the decision to completely stop supporting the greedy and disgusting factory farming industry.
Please have a look at this one if you have the time. It made even the meat lover number one in our home more understanding to the unnecessary cruelty, and he has now agreed on me withdrawing meat completely from my home made meals as long as fish and seafood still is an option.
Hi,we look forward to watching you transit the canal on the webcams at the exit gates,please post when you are moving through. On a more sensitive note, some of us are happily reading more into to your later posts than what we perhaps should, but when we read things like " lazing in bed, radical diet changes, titles like Panama baby etc ", we get thinking and have to ask the question, are you pregnant ??, have great days,
Yay! Congrats for making a very wise decision that's for the best of your own health, peace of mind as well as for all the poor animals. I became a vegetarian at the age of 15 when I saw a slaughterhouse video. Few years later I started eating poultry again. However, few years ago I re-evaluated my diet again and quit poultry as well. Now I'm 95% vegan, there's still occasional Finnish cheese every now and then, but otherwise I feel like I'm moving towards the right direction. There's just no excuse for me anymore to support the horrific industry of animal slavery and slaughter to suppress my appetite when I have so many wonderful vegetables and other foods to eat. No excuse. Yay, I say yay for you! XO
Well then, go hunting for your meat or buy meat from a hunter.I've had venison that was hunted. The deer had a great life in the woods beforehand and stay away from those "fish farms". Fish and other seafood suffer trauma as well. Research where that comes from! You might end up eating salad and tofu!!
uh oh, fear you opened a can of worms here.. scrambled eggs from happy chickens, cheerily collected in the courtyard by the farmers family with flowers in their hair ?! Fair trade harvested fruits with yogurt from grass-feed cows - good luck.
Would think screening the source of food is a more moderate approach before going into extreme shift of diet and being at very edge of hypocritical lifestyle. With yours (lifestyle) there is ample chance to get fresh and natural ingredients so will camp here for further comments and developments. Besides I will anyway for more boat stories. Cya
Dear Taru, beautiful decision. A tip for you: the book 'eating animals' by Jonathan Saffran Foer.
Too bad some of your readers think vegans or vegetarians only eat tofu and salad. this tells me they have no clue about the diversity you cab have in your food and cooking, whether you do or dont eat meat.
So happy to read about your decision, and your post was so well written and eloquent that it reinforced my beliefs when it's been waning a little! I've been vegetarian for a year and have flirted with veganism, but with a history of disordered eating it just made me a little too obsessive and neurotic. I now eat eggs (free range organic etc etc) and cheese, although I try to limit myself.
I'm also so excited to see what delicious meals you come up with. I've loved going through your tagged recipe posts but wasn't able to try most of them out for myself.. although your pepper pasta dish is on constant rotation! ;)
a few beautiful blogs with great recipes- http://goodthingsgrow.com/ http://www.thefirstmess.com/ http://naturallyella.com/ http://ohsheglows.com/
Que tengas un buen día!! your blog makes for excellent revision breaks as i prepare to take my finals...
So happy for you to have made this decision! After writing a research paper on the meat industry almost 7 years ago, I made the decision to become vegetarian. It has been one of the best decisions of my life. When I first became vegetarian, I read the book "Skinny Bitch." It was an interesting read on veganism and quite comical!
One of the best alternatives to dairy milk is home made almond milk. It looks and cooks almost the same particularly for expresso. I use a ratio of 1 part almonds to 5 parts water. It requires a blender to grind everything up and nut milk bag to strain the mix. The milk lasts a couple of days before going sour. The left over nut meat can be used in breads,etc.
Congrats! i went veggie a number of years ago, though not for the same reasons. For me, I was just trying to pick up a girl (OMG - your a vegetarian too? we have so much in common! we should have a vegetarian meal together! ).
Well the girl came and went but the vegetarian stayed on. It feels weird for a couple of months, like something is missing from the dinner plate. Then you get used to it and don't miss it.
Your quite right - animals in the food industry are treated horribly and the general feeling with people is, if they don't see it, it's ok. Good luck and well done.
My guess is that you'll find yourself eating meat again by the time you reach Tahiti once you realize just how impossible it is to keep vegies fresh while cruising.
So does this also mean you aren't eating fish you catch? If that is the case it is just stupid.
Congrats for your decision!! My name is Inês, i'm 21 and i'm from Portugal. I stop eating meat 2 years ago, and your text explains exactly my reasons!! (i also loved a good meat steak) It's very good to know that people are become to be more conscious about the meat and dairy industry!
I'll not lie, at least in Portugal, is not easy when you don't eat meat but i never stayed without food :)
Good on you regarding going Veg ! Sailing is a bit like yoga - it tunes you into the nature and makes you realize that there is more to life than satisfying our needs in the manner that big corporations want us to. The meat industry is massive all over the world.
But just one thing i need to mention : whilst fish seem to be 'lesser' creatures they also suffer horribly before dying. Imagine being dragged out of the water with a hook through your cheek, or worse - embedded into you guts; then being suffocated to death. And if you are a lobster you get boiled to death !
I gave up meat and ate fish only too until someone described the horrible death that fishes suffer.
I still eat a little meat but no longer crave it. After 15 years of slowly cleaning up my diet, I no longer enjoy a steak or hamburger...I get sick to my stomach after eating them now! I've cut most dairy out but still love cheese and pepperoni on my pizza! Ron Seattle
Entiendo tu desición, pero hay que tener cuidado con la verdad sobre la agricultura, no es mejor para los animales, es peor. Lamentablemente todo el sistema esta mal. Te recomiendo leer "el Mito Vegetariano", esta escrito por un ex-vegano si no me equivoco. Saludos! (desde la tierra del "Divine Steak")
Dear Taru, I am also new to raw food but, I believe, if you are to have extremely good health, you have to do extreme things, unlike most people you know, who are content with average health, average lives and average incomes. About almond milk, how about trying it with some casious? Add a cup of casious on a blender, three cups of water, a teaspoon of cinamon, a tablespoon of honey, vanilla and a pintch of salt, blend it and enjoy it! Adjust the quantities at will and according to your taste. Take care, Chris