Mmm, some chocolate pudding for breakfast. For breakfast? Yes, because you're an adult and you can do as you please. The good thing with this particular chocolate pudding is that it is truly good for you.
4 ingredients: 1 banana, 1 ripe avocado, 1tbs unsweetened Dutch cacao and a teaspoon or two of agave nectar.
You might think the avocado messes up the taste? It doesn't, it gives it a creamy, round flavor and given the nutritional value of this composition, you could be eating chocolate pudding any day of the week, any hour of the day. Add some raspberries, vegan chocolate chips or any of your preferred organic chocolate to give more flavor. Imma gonna try some blueberries in next round.
Here's a little something showing why food in especially this country isn't to be trusted. Many countries in the world have banned the use and production of GMO's and other dangerous chemicals in food, and not to mention certain hazardous prescription drugs, while here in United States you do not even have the right to know if the food you buy contains genetically modified crops or not. Why? Well…. have a look and you might understand what, like always, is the driving force number one for politicians.
The same companies that produces modified genes, supply toxic pesticides/herbicides for farming and use hormones and antibiotics in factory farms (all of these toxins which you later on will find on your plate), are the very same guys that are responsible for "protecting" this country's public health through regulations and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and more. They are politicians and lobbyists who, in a perfect world, should be on the consumers side in regards to regulations and health concerns, but in real life only cares about profit.
One would wish that ones government was working for the society and for the health and safety of its own people, unfortunately that is just an utopia.
The reason to why you experience organic food as expensive, is because the food that you call "normally priced", is cheap only because of the subsidies that has been made in favor of the people who has some sort of relation to all the non-real food that today makes up most of the food that is find in this society. Real farmers are rapidly being suppressed and as the video tells you, receives no governmental aid in keeping up the good job they live for. And which quite literally, would save our future.
Please be aware of what you eat and what you feed your children. Just because something is labeled "approved by FDA or USDA" - it doesn't necessarily mean that you are in safe hands. If you cannot grow your own food, at least make sure to cook as much food as you can with organic produce, always try buying from local farmers and independent producers and look for NON GMO labeled food in the super markets.
Nobody forces you to do anything in the United States. The Internet is available for free to do research, and you have several super market options and several brand options thanks to the United States' capitalistic environment. This environment allows companies to offer options to customers, and it's the customers who pick whether or not saving money upfront is worth it in the long run or not.
The problem though is that the government isn't exactly looking out for people's best which is worrisome. I suspect that a majority of citizens in this country, as in most other countries, still believes that their politicians are there to help and protect the society. That is why it is so important to spread and share information like this so more people can become aware and make better choices for themselves. Wouldn't you agree?
Yay i wasn't aware that the whole of the EU had banned GMO. Do you know what the they need to look at banning next? aspartame! Apparently the EU will be looking at banning this in the next couple of years. I certainly hope so. Awful stuff! I spent a few months in the US and something i noticed was how cheap junk food was and fast food compared to other countries i had visited. I live in the UK and you can grab a salad for £3 but then a mcdonalds meal is about £6 i found this to be the opposite in the US, same with just fruit and veg being more expensive then junk its very backwards, an organic apple shouldn't be more expensive than a bag of crisps, which is a shame. The US holding the power it does has the power to completely turn this around but just refuses to.
Jose: I find it disturbing that you could even come to standing in your supermarket weighing up between saving 80c now or possibly getting bowel/stomach/etc cancer in the future. Those foods shouldn't even be an option. Sadly most people won't research this sort of thing before doing their shopping because, like Taru says, they trust that if it's available for purchase it must be ok. They don't realize that those in power (corporate) don't want them to think about it because quite frankly those corporations don't care if people die from eating their chemical food, they just want to make increase their profit margin each year.
Before the large presence of government Americans needed to be mindful consumers because, without certain levels of regulation, products were sold that were unhealthy/unsafe for us. It was buyer beware. Just because we are in a time with lots of regulation does not mean that the government always knows what is best for us or does what is best for us. I think one of the things that Taru has expressed constantly in the blog is to think for yourself, do not rely on others to tell you the best way to live your life...and that includes the government, any government not just the US. We do not all fit in a one-size mold so no amount of regulation will address each and every one of our needs and desires or protect us from harm. Clearly, we are a self-serving species that will always have an agenda...even the politicians who have been entrusted with speaking for the people. Educating yourself and becoming less reliant on government will strengthen each of us as individuals which will then strengthen us collectively.
Melissa wrote " quite frankly those corporations don't care if people die from eating their chemical food" well... thereafter they become the problems of the pharmaceutical companies so maybe...the food industry want you eating the crap that makes you sick...
Okay so we just attempted the chocolate pudding recipe and it is in fact amazing! .... if you are an adult. Apparently our two year old daughter saw right through the healthy aspect of the recipe and she immediately rejected it. I took a picture of her. I'll post it later but she absolutely refused to swallow it. Great snack idea that I can selfishly eat by myself. ..unlike my oreos or Reeses (those never get rejected by little bellies)