Food news
There are so many of these movies out now, which is only a good thing. The more people that get aware of the American governments unwillingness to help its citizens become/remain healthy, strong and thriving, the better. Everyone has to start taking care of themselves now, and stop relying on governmental institutions and corrupt media. You can download the full length of this movie on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play or get it on DVD.
What else is new on the food front?
The most Michelin starred chef in the world, Alain Ducasse, who heads thirty restaurants in three continents and whom has received 21 Michelin stars with his name - is ditching red meat and cream from his newly renovated and world renowned restaurant in the historic luxury hotel Plaza Athénée on Avenue Montaigne in Paris. If that doesn't say something about the future of food, then what does.
Although the French could be considered extremely traditional and adamant in their ways of eating and cooking meats such as duck, veal, frog and rabbit, this initiative isn't something entirely new for the French haute cuisine. Already 13 years ago, another world famed Michelin starred chef, Alain Passard, introduced a mainly vegetarian menu to his clients at the elaborate dining room of L'Arpège in Paris.
This is what I would recommend for your lunch today, rather than a greasy bacon burger, for example:
My creamy roasted carrot soup with vegetable stock and ginger, garnished with non-gmo alfalfa and a side of toasted homemade ryebread, all ingredients organic. Wash it down with a large glass of filtered water with freshly squeezed lemon for a good cleanse. Yes, I will post some recipes up here soon..
And last but not least: With over 35 bills introduced in 20 states that would require the labeling of Monsanto's products, its CEO and a handful of other execs dump shares worth millions. Are we close to the final chapter of GMO's in the society? At least we're getting closer every day. US corn farmers have also recently launched a $1 billion lawsuit against Syngenta (competitor of Monsanto), claiming that the biotech giant has caused massive damage to the demand for US corn on the international market. If other countries don't want these genetically engineered products, have U.S. farmers been misled in growing them? Three class action lawsuits have been filed by U.S. farmers and I have a feeling this is just the beginning of a very important snowball effect.
Although the French could be considered extremely traditional and adamant in their ways of eating and cooking meats such as duck, veal, frog and rabbit, this initiative isn't something entirely new for the French haute cuisine. Already 13 years ago, another world famed Michelin starred chef, Alain Passard, introduced a mainly vegetarian menu to his clients at the elaborate dining room of L'Arpège in Paris.
This is what I would recommend for your lunch today, rather than a greasy bacon burger, for example:

And last but not least: With over 35 bills introduced in 20 states that would require the labeling of Monsanto's products, its CEO and a handful of other execs dump shares worth millions. Are we close to the final chapter of GMO's in the society? At least we're getting closer every day. US corn farmers have also recently launched a $1 billion lawsuit against Syngenta (competitor of Monsanto), claiming that the biotech giant has caused massive damage to the demand for US corn on the international market. If other countries don't want these genetically engineered products, have U.S. farmers been misled in growing them? Three class action lawsuits have been filed by U.S. farmers and I have a feeling this is just the beginning of a very important snowball effect.