
Hi Taru,
Thanks for taking the time to blog, I enjoy following along.
I was on a discussion thread on Reddit today regarding what people should know if they come to visit different countries and a Finnish person wrote in discussing the insane amount of personal space Finnish people seem to have. The point was illustrated with this (probably well known) photo of a bus stop in Finland
Are you immune to this effect or did you take some period of adjustment as living in the confines of a boat with another person seems like Finnish hell.
That picture is funny. A bit exaggerated, but it does hold some truth. Finnish people are generally quiet and a bit introverted, especially if compared with the more loud American culture. I like and dislike that feature of the Finns. There are obviously exceptions to the rule.
We always say that the only way to have a proper conversation with Finnish people is if they have a bottle of vodka at hand. Alcohol makes you open up. What is interesting with such a society and people, is that it will take longer to get to know someone, and when you do get closer to them, your relationship feels more intimate.
Contrary to what some blog readers might think, I am a pretty introverted person. I prefer being alone most hours of the day. I don't like socializing much (except with people I know and like). I have never been intrigued by hanging with "the community" or group dynamics such as the cruising community for example. I prefer being left alone, we always seek the quietest spot in an anchorage and so forth. I'd say I need approx. 70% of my awaken time for myself, immersed in my own things, and I am very selective as to where/who to spend the remaining time with. Since I need a lot of personal space, this life on a boat suits me very good. Especially since Alex also generally isn't a super social person and likes getting absorbed in his own doings.