
Thank you everyone for all your comments and emails regarding our move. Glad you are as excited as we are (only the thought of soon being able to wear a bikini makes my heart beat faster). Will talk more about it all and share some plans with you very soon. But first we need to get the boat ready. During this preparation process, I've found tons of Colombian bags on board, you remember the ones I sold while in Cartagena? I have a few more of them for sale now in my store.

I've also added some great vintage pieces from my wardrobe, for the ones that are interested (my beloved Mahina bag from Louis Vuitton that I too rarely use these days, for example). There's also a very good Canon lens, and the awesome fleet-broadband for serious cruisers (for a splendid price if I may add!). And of course, the ever so beautiful golden pieces from We Dream In Colour - always with 10% off for blog readers.  

Shop away and email if you have any questions at all!