Hi Taru - thanks so much for the comment on my Ramblings.
I was so happy to find your blog and read all about your upcoming journey. Not to mention the gorgeous pics and great recipes!!
My partner and I have a Lagoon 410 Cat in the Caribbean that is awaiting us. We have about 9 months to go before we start our life on a boat - so I am most anxious to read all about your adventures before that!!! I'm a hooked fan. :)
well... 33
Tout le monde pense à vous, les amis.
et si nous avions tous des pensées positives, dans quel monde il serait beau,,,,have you decided on your internet connection yet,,we are settling on a 'sailor 150',,about $A 5,500,[4700Euro's]alot cheaper than what i expected.Beware of big boats,the running and maintaining costs just go up and up and away,Hope your preparations stay on track.Cheers
We were thinking of the sailor 150 or 250 but have lately heard that there's a lot of problems for the high price you have to pay for it and in the end it wouldn't be worth the hassle? The price you have looks a bit cheaper than over here though. Can I ask you what are you mainly using the Internet for? We need something reliable and fast for images, that seem to be the hard part of it all.. With the low speed of the Sailor 150, one image upload would cost around 100 euros, according to the sales person we've been in touch with so it is just ridiculous.. Now comparing the quality and speed of
Iridium and Pactor through the SSB.
There is still no good option for this thing called Internet, on the seas... and it's 2010!
Alex & Taru,
Espero que consigam ler em português.
Sou brasileiro e vivo há 11 anos com minha companheira Mara no MaraCatu, um veleiro de 8,80m.
Ficaremos na Espanha até o dia 10 de agosto e gostaríamos muito de encontrá-los. Favor entrar em contato via e-mail ou, enquanto estivermos em Vilanova y la Geltrú, pelo fone 649 722 525.
Agora vivemos na região de Angra dos Reis, 90 milhas ao Sul do Rio de Janeiro, que, espero, vocês venham a conhecer em sua volta ao mundo.
Parabéns pelo blog, como fotógrafo adoro também as fotos, e ficamos no aguardo de um contato.
Bons ventos sempre,
Hi,,i know ,it's hard to decide,,a real balance between speed and cost.$A18 per mb send and receive,my use is mainly email and share market stuff,most pages around 30-100 kb,,my pc reduces photo's from 1-2 mb down to 30 -50 kb for sending,you lose some definition but still very ok,,my plan is small stuff on the high seas and go crazy when you hit land and a good connection,,!!cheers
great, thanks for insights. will have to solve this thing this week.