
While I am busy cooking and baking away here in the kitchen, why don't you have a peek at some photos from Provincetown that we sailed to a few months ago? This is the blue anchorage we woke up in, the day after arriving to the fireworks. Surrounded by plenty of boats and a cooling breeze.

Quick breakfast in town. Green smoothie for moi and a coffee and almond croissant for Mr.

Ptown is full of cute houses as well as larger mansions. Everything very well manicured of course.

If you for some odd reason would want to swim in the 12ÂșC cold water (mid summer temperature), you better watch out for the great whites.

Just another beautiful garden.

Everywhere cute boys and men in tank tops, as well manicured as the gardens. 95% of all people you see over there, seemed to be men. It is the gay town of Massachusetts after all. I wonder how this beautiful summer town looks in the fall and winter. Quiet?

Definitely have to find a way to escape South at least for a week this winter. It's fascinating, I think, how white, almost grayish and dead-looking ones skin can become when not exposed to a big old star that is located approximately 92 million miles away from us. What is it by the way that makes us value sun kissed skin above pale? Is a tan a sign of health and freedom perhaps? In other cultures, like in India and other parts of Asia, a fair skin is higher regarded than dark and skin whitening cream products is an $18 billion market.

Anyways.. here's the beach at low tide. Isn't it curious that here in Ptown, the tidal range is approximately 10 ft (3 meter) from low to high tide. While in Martha's Wineyard on the other side of the cape some 40 miles away, the difference is only two-three ft (1 m). This is a good site to check the tides around the cape.
Speaking of sea level and tides, some of you have probably seen this already as the study is a couple years now, but I find it interesting that the East Coast of America is experiencing a much faster sea level rise than other parts of the world (three to four times the global average). Read more about it here.

Our French friend Christian had also sailed over for the fourth of July weekend.