Baby dogs and children

Look at this beautiful pitbull/rottweiler baby girl, it almost breaks my heart to remove her from my lap and leave her back to the owner. If only we could have one of these onboard, a pity they don't stay this petite for the rest of their lives. But kids and dogs will have to wait a few more years til the day we are ready to turn our focus from adventure and our own personal development. Not sure when/if we will ever be ready. Have been talking a lot about kids lately with several different people as it seems like it's kind of expected of a woman close to thirty to start planning for family and kids. It's not at all a must in my world. I don't necessarily need own children to complete myself and I/we are still not certain if it is the right way to go for us or myself. To have children at all that is.

I'm scared to love them too much, to get totally overprotective and completely loose myself in the process. One day I love the idea, I can picture our own little family and I know what an amazing father Alex would be. The next day I'm sure that I will never have any children at all because of the fact that it would bring just too many more headaches into life and I really want to keep things simple. And some days we're more into adoption and could imagine ourselves taking care of a few of the ones less fortunate. There's so many kids out there in the world without parents, security and love so why putting more children onto this planet. But as I told you, I'm still not sure what is the best way to go and luckily I got a few more years to think this all through.