Home is where your heart is

You do know that we are all very jealous of your way of life, right? Live the dream that we all want to. We will continue to read your blog and live vicariously through you. This entry makes a few Mark Twain quotes come to mind... 1."Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." and 2. " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. God bless you both.
Taru, great photo; that could easily have been taken in the 1970's don't you think? When was Dunedin manufactured?
I know that you are constantly trying to perfect your English and indeed it is very good. You will have to decide whether to adopt the US spelling of certain words or go for the pure English. An example is the English "organise" versus the US English "organize". Microsoft causes many UK residents to slip unconsciously in to the US spelling; I'm trying to retain our UK spelling. Your choice!
Well said. Like your honesty.
Definitely time to get the show on the road, there is only so many times we can see pictures of fine dining, fancy hotels, extravagant parties and all round excess for months on end. Lot more out there in the world as I am very sure you know and probably more anxious than all of us combined to get going and see.
What is the next step after delivering Caos in April? Cuba, Aruba, Panama. The South American side trip is to welcome Alex's step-Dad from his rowing voyage. Totally fascinating that he and his step-father should be such water borne/outdoor types like that.
How is your Spanish Taru? I'm taking it you're fluent? It's interesting since you got English, Spanish and French between the two you, you're pretty much set for the entire trip around the world. As you head West to and through Panama and all along the way, it's mostly Spanish, then into the Pacific and to French Polynesia, French, the onward English.. one less thing to worry about. Hell, if you ever decide to sail up to Finland or even Sweden you even got that covered! :-)
Taru, you know how to explain in few words how I feel, we've just moved from a place to another here in Brazil and it's really a fantastic freedom feeling that comes. There are many dreams to come true... It's time to move foward... Good luck for you. Fair Wind, Cristina.
P.S: sorry if u cant' understand my English, aways on the way to improve!
Well said hun, and I wish you both the best wherever your dreams take you... If you can imagine it, it already exists... One Love! Bless! xx
Your words are true wisdom from the experiences gained from this amazing journey. I could not agree with you more regarding the POWER we all have within us. It's only when we make the first step is when that power is activated and continues to empower us each step of the way...
I feel that dreams are only dreams when you do not act upon them :) It's when action occurs, is when the transformation happens!
Cathy Trails
beautiful said and well put. we all have the power to make our own dreams come true, whatever they might be.