Good morning

Just bought that book to read when we get back to the boat...I have heard it's a true sailing classic. I also highly recommend Moitessier!
one word: beautiful
Our thoughts exactly!
Check our new blog (that replaces now that we have our new boat) where we have scatterd some quotes about travelling. My favourite: "Man must choose whether to be rich in things or in the freedom to use them."
(Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society)
With regards to your earlier posts: I think we all have fears, but the difference is if we can acknowledge that and deal with some of them OR if we let them make us bitter and passive - or even worse - if we let our fears become hate for those who dare to conquer theirs.
I have not conquered all my fears and never will, but at least I have faced some of them and try everyday to accept myself for the rest.
I think your blog gives off a surface of perfection and that is why people do not understand that your posts are indeed not so black and white. Maybe in this crazy world you have to choose between showing off bikinis or brains? I hope not.
Hugs and kisses and hope to see you guys soon!
Well I think that that is more your thoughts M+M. I think that a few people get pissed off with my post because it might have seemed like I have an elitists view of the world, that I judge people who hasn't figured out what I have and that I look down on them who doesn't live a life as free as I/we have chosen to live mine/ours. All of this is totally incorrect of course like I mentioned in the other post, but I believe that this is what might have caused some irritation.
Regarding that this blog might ooze of a sense of a "fairy-tale" and "perfection" I must again remind you that this is our reality. Neither Alex or I have ever been the type of people who complain about too much things, as we always made sure to adjust our lives to as perfect as they can be. If there is a problem, solve it instead of complaining about it, that's our philosophy. Still life is not 100% perfect, but as perfect as it can be for the moment. I'm sure you and the rest of the people reading here can sense that life is not always blue sky and tropical drinks in life either, but those moments I have shared with you too. We might be "lucky" (god I hate that word) as we have much less things that bothers, stresses or distracts us than most other people in this world. We are happy, healthy, in love, have no kids so that we can spend all of our time on enjoying life, we have no loans, we have no obligations than the ones we create and we have the possibility to do "what we want"...the world is ours in our eyes and this might be frustrating for some, but that is our reality. Why? because we have chosen this and nothing less.
And concerning bikinis and brain, don't worry, this blog will never take away the parts that is our life/me/us, and a sense of glamour and style is essential for making life beautiful. Might be hard for most to pull off both an intellect and stylish appearance, but I will continue to highlight them both as that is what makes me me. I believe that most readers of this blog appreciate the mixture and understands that them both can be mixed without any kind of problem.
Congrats on your new boat! Funny that you continue with the cake-theme on the name!
Takk for all inspirasjon du gir gjennom bloggen! Jeg har studert medisin i ett år nå og har i løpet av det året funnet ut at det er lege jeg vil bli.
Men jeg er fortsatt ung og sulten på å se verden og leve livet, og har alltid drømt å reise. Har fulgt med på bloggen deres en stund og har nesten bestemt meg for å ta et friår for å reise verden rundt. Jeg ønsker å så gjerne å ha den deilige frihets- og lykkefølelsen som du beskriver!
Så takk for viktige ord og bilder som igjen sier mer enn tusen ord.
PS: jeg elsker også mango ;)